Individually Managed Account (IMA)
Tycoon Capital’s Individually Managed Accounts (IMA) Service offers personalised portfolio management services to clients based on their unique investment objectives and needs.
Unlike other clients, each client’s portfolio is managed separately and tailored to their asset mix preferences, existing investments, tax status, and risk appetite.
At Tycoon Capital, we provide portfolio comprises of major global exchanges for our IMA clients. Our core competency lies in the direct selection of equities,
including international and domestic equities, using our proven and repeatable investment process. Wth an IMA agreement, our clients retain direct ownership of each asset in their portfolio while entrusting
Tycoon with the investment management decisions. Our investment approach to each portfolio is consistent, although every client’s portfolio is unique and tailored to their specific investment strategy and mandate.
Tycoon’s IMA service is available to individual investors, family offices, SMSFs, trusts, companies, not-for-profits and charitable organisations looking to invest $500K or greaters. Clients must be classified as a wholesale investor.
Investment Objective & Strategy
Tycoon IMA nvestment objective is to maximise long term capital growth total return. The SMA is constructed without consideration for index weighting or other artificial constraints with a strong focus on generating returns,
preserving capital and effectively managing tax outcomes.
Our IMA is risk managed to protect investor capital and take equity positions in companies that have been identified through both a ‘top down’ thematic filter to identify sectors and opportunities, combined with a ‘bottom up’,
deep research driven process to assess those companies that offer superior growth prospects over a 5 year term.
The strategies on which Tycoon’s IMA portfolios are based have very strong track records of outperformance. Historically our fund managers have been delivered over 18% annualised return over past 10 years.
To request more detail on our historical investment performance please complete below enquiry form. Our friendly team will contact you promptly
Want to learn more our investment solution? Please get in touch here.
1800 878 898
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Benefits & features of IMA
IMAs offer numerous advantages for investors, including:
- Customization: Each client’s portfolio is managed separately to meet investment objectives and preferences.
- Direct ownership: Investors retain direct ownership of their assets, allowing for the flow of dividends, franking credits, and other tax credits directly to them.
- Tax efficiency: IMAs offer a highly tax-efficient structure, with no embedded tax liabilities and no trapping of tax losses within a structure.
- Transparency: IMAs offer excellent transparency, with investors able to view the exact position and price of each security held in their portfolio, as well as all past transactions.
- Efficient administration: Investors benefit from efficient portfolio administration, custody services, execution, settlement, portfolio reporting, and tax reporting.
Feature | Managed Funds | SMAs | IMAs |
Tax Efficiency | Poor | Good | Excellent |
Portability | None | Good | Excellent |
Managed to Particular Tax Outcome | No | No | Yes |
Transparency | Poor-Moderate | Excellent | Excellent |
Direct Ownership | No | Yes | Yes |
Embedded Tax Liability | Often | No | Yes |
Capital Losses can be applied to | Future gains within structure | Any current or future gains | Any current or future gains |
Variety of Investment Options | Excellent | Moderate | Moderate |
Portfolio Construction | Manager's discretion | Model portfolio | Manager's discretion |
Tailored Management | No | No | Yes |
Managment Fee Tax Dedctibility | No | No | Yes |